Eight good books on search management
Over the vacation I reorganised my office, including adding a bookcase specifically for the 60 or so books I have on various aspects of information retrieval and search. In the process I updated the list of books on the Enterprise Search book website, highlighting eight which I regard as a core collection for search managers. These are listed here for convenience. All the books have been reviewed on the Intranet Focus blog and some have a dedicated website. They cover the spectrum from a deep dive into the technology, the optimisation the user experience, search evaluation and text analytics and mining. With a couple of exceptions they have all ben published in the last two years, which indicates the level of interest in the subject. Publishers publish to make a profit!
Deep Text
Tom Reamy, 2016, Information Today (Review)
Designing the Search Experience.
Tony Russell-Rose and Tyler Tate, 2012 . (book website) (Review)
Enterprise Search
Martin White, 2nd Edition 2015. O’Reilly Media (book website)
Interactions with Search Systems
Ryen White 2016. Cambridge University Press (Review)
Relevant Search
Doug Turnbull and John Berryman. 2015. Manning Publications. (book website) (Review)
Search Analytics For Your Site.
Louis Rosenfeld. 2011. Rosenfeld Media (Review)
Text Data Management and Analysis
Chengxiang Zhai and Sean Massung. 2016. ACM Books (Review)
The Inquiring Organisation
Chun Wei Choo. 2015. Oxford University Press. (Review)
I am also looking forward to a new book on the underlying technology of enterprise search from Charlie Hull (Flax) and Professor Udo Kruschwitz (University of Essex), to be published by Now Publishers
Martin White