Enterprise Search Europe 2014 – the programme is taking shape

The deadline for the call for papers for Enterprise Search Europe 2014 closes on Friday 22 November. We have already had a good response and out of the 25 speaking slots over half have now been filled. We have also been developing the workshop programme, which currently has workshops on open source search, search UI design and SharePoint 2013 implementation good practice pencilled in. Whether we offer four workshops or six has still to be decided. What is certain is that as delegates register for the workshops they will be contacted by the workshop leaders so that the scope and structure of the workshops can be developed to meet a consensus of delegate requirements. If you would like to give either a workshop or a paper please complete the Call for Papers form as soon as you can.

Just to remind you the themes for 2014 are

  • Ensuring that search investment is matched to business requirements
  • The relationship between enterprise search and big data
  • Implementing open-source search applications
  • SharePoint 2013 search implementation
  • Enhancing website search performance
  • Identifying and meeting user requirements
  • Improving search performance
  • Using search to support collaborative working

There will be two panel sessions. At the end of the first day of the conference (29 April) there will be a search clinic with a panel of experienced search managers and implementers ready to respond to  queries from conference delegates on any aspect of search management. The panel at the close of the conference will synthesis the outcomes of the conference and suggest priorities for consideration and action over the period to the end of 2015.

Martin White