Good books for search managers

Good books for search managers

by | Aug 9, 2017 | Reviews, Search

This is the latest version of my occasional attempts to define a core library for search managers. This time I have structured the list from strategy to operations and added a brief scope note on them. A reasonably complete list of books on information retrieval and search can be found on the Enterprise Search Book site.

The Inquiring Organisation
Chun Wei Choo.  2015. Oxford University Press.  (Review)
The importance of this book is that it provides a context for search within an overall integration of the value of information and knowledge to the organisation.

Introduction to Information Behaviour
Nigel Ford. 2015. Facet Publishing. (Review)
Information seeking models are a special case of information behaviours. They form the basis of use cases for search, and the design of user interfaces.

Designing the Search Experience.
Tony Russell-Rose and Tyler Tate, 2012 . (book website) (Review)
This book takes a deeper look into information seeking models, using them to consider how best to design user interfaces

Enterprise Search
Martin White, 2nd Edition 2015. O’Reilly Media (book website)
My objective was to write a book for search managers without a technical background that supported the entire process from building a business case through to evaluating performance.

Searching the Enterprise
Udo Kruschwitz and Charlie Hull. 2017. Now Publishers (Review)
The authors provide an important bridge between information retrieval research and the practical implementation of search applications

Relevant Search
Doug Turnbull and John Berryman. 2015. Manning Publications. (book website) (Review)
The objective of all search applications is to deliver the most relevant results as early as possible in the list of results. Although based around the management of Lucene and Solr this book is applicable to any search application.

Search Analytics For Your Site.
Louis Rosenfeld. 2011. Rosenfeld Media (Review)
This introduction to search analytics is primarily about websites and intranets but the principles apply to enterprise search

Martin White