JBoye Search Days in London, Copenhagen and Oslo

If you want to spend a day discussing web and enterprise search issues then you will be interested in the series of JBoye Search Days that will be taking place around Europe over the next few months.  The format is a mix of a couple of presentations from me (based on my new book Enterprise Search), two case studies and some good discussion. The first of these events takes place in London on 13 February, when the case studies will come from University College London (which is a web site case study) and Catlin (a Lloyds underwriter) which will be about intranet search.  More details on the JBoye web site.

The next two events will be in Copenhagen on 18 March and Oslo on 19 March. Plans are being made for events in other countries later in the year, and hopefully also in the USA in mid-June. I’m looking forward to these events as they will give me a chance to learn from the experiences of JBoye community members and to gain suggestions for additions and changes to the next edition of my book. The O’Reilly e-book production system makes the update process very straight forward, or so Simon St. Laurent (my publisher) tells me!

By the time of the London event I will have made some substantial enhancements to the Enterprise Search section of the Intranet Focus web site, but more about those in due course.

Martin White