SearchCheck – the launch of a new virtual search capability assessment service

SearchCheck – the launch of a new virtual search capability assessment service

by | Mar 16, 2020 | Digital workplace, Search

Today I am launching SearchCheck, a heuristic-based methodology which provides clients with a comparison between the current state of its search applications and the extent to which changes and enhancements need to be made over the next 12 months. The search capability assessment takes just a 2hr conference call to complete, following which I prepare a formative Executive Report prioritizing the actions that should be taken. The scoring matrix enable the search team to report to the business on the progress that is being made. The score range is from 0 = no action to 5=best practice, the latter based on my 20 years of working on search projects. In most cases trying to achieve ‘best practice’ is not sensible. Delivering a 4.5 score in 12 months on all 30 elements would be an excellent outcome for the business.

The survey is platform independent (so works for O365) and looks across all search applications, not just enterprise or intranet search. Much of it is based on

  • Undertaking a virtual search strategy project for a large consulting business in the USA a couple of years ago
  • An 18-month engagement with a global pharmaceutical company which involved setting best practice and monitoring progress on a quarterly basis.
  • An early version of SearchCheck that I developed in 2010/2011 but for various reasons did not release at the time

SearchCheck is not a benchmarking service. The survey questions and the scope of the Executive Report are customized for each client. My intention is to deliver a draft report within 10 working days of the assessment being completed. Using a conference call to work through the survey questions enables me to undertake a SearchCheck assessment in any country of the world. There are of course no travel expenses involved.

 The fee for the launch period from now to the end of April is £4000 with no VAT, with the fee for other countries based on the sterling amount. In round figures that is €4500 or $US4900.  The price from May onwards will be higher! 

 Of course at present organisations around the world are struggling to cope with the short and future outcomes of the coronavirus. The more rapid the achievement of revised ambitions for 2021 and 2022 the better for the business and the wider economy. The outcomes of a SearchCheck assessment (just 2 hours remember) could make a significant contribution to the speed of achievement and the recognition by the organisation of the value of enterprise-wide search leading to short-term investment in a search team. Video conferencing is going to be very important but brings with it the challenges of remote users finding the information and advice they need without immediate access to colleagues in the same office location. 

 The range of topics covered and a schematic of the assessment process can be found in the brochure link on the Enterprise Search Consultancy Services page of the Intranet Focus Ltd web site. There is a direct email for contact  

Martin White