The Search Circle – progress and plans

The Search Circle now has subscribers in the UK, Germany and the USA, which is a good start. The Advisory Board is also taking shape now that Ravi Mynampaty (@ravimynampaty) from the USA and Harald Fuchs from Germany have agreed to be members. Some other invitees are finding that getting permission from their organisations is taking longer than anticipated.

Two reports were issued in July. One of these was a list of recommended books and reports on search-related topics and the other report set out a range of ways in which search performance and search satisfaction can be measured. These reports are only available to subscribers who take out membership in July. Two more reports are being prepared for release on 9 August. The first of these will cover the relationship between big data management and enterprise search and the second will be setting out more than a dozen ways in which a business case can be made for financial and resource investment in enterprise search.

The August issue of Search Log will contain a range of book and website reviews, an analysis of the recent IDC report on the enterprise search market and a feature article on semantic analysis. Looking farther ahead in September members will be receiving a report which will be of value in helping senior managers understand the value of enterprise and website search, including a section that explains the difference between Google for public web search and Google on a server for website and enterprise search. The schedule for the remainder of 2013 is published on our website.

Finally I’d like to highlight that members of The Search Circle will be able to get a discount on attendance at Enterprise Search Summit Fall in Washington D.C. in November where I will be running a workshop on developing a search strategy.

To join The Search Circle or to ask for further information email

Martin White