Enterprise Search Europe 2013 – still time to propose a paper

We have had an excellent response to the Call for Speakers so far, and we have now finalised four of the seven sessions.  The speaker line-up for 2013 is already looking strong, but as the deadline for submissions is not until 14 January it might still become even stronger. What I can say is that the keynote speaker is one of the most experienced enterprise search managers around and works for a global business, so has a wealth of practical experience to share with delegates.  The full programme will be published in very early February.

Looking at the draft programme the areas where we would still welcome submissions are

  • SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 search implementation
  • Search usability and search user interface design
  • The use of open-source applications for enterprise search
  • Implementation case studies

However if you would like to give a paper on any other search topic don’t feel constrained by this wish list! 

Enterprise Search Europe 2013 takes place in the Hilton Olympia on 15-16 May, with workshops (just one of this year’s new features) on 14 May.  Another feature is that we will be starting early on the second day so that the conference will finish in time for people to hear the final speaker and still get to Heathrow or Gatwick by 17.30 to get an evening flight.

Martin White (ESE 2013 Conference Chair)