During 2012 Intranet Focus Ltd. has identified, downloaded and analysed over 200 reports, papers and books on a range of topics of relevance to the work being undertaken for clients. In the course of a typical month we track around 100 companies, consultancies, organisations and publishers to look for material we can add to our research library of over 1200 items. We have been using the Digital Library of the Association of Computing Machinery to track research papers, but we cannot list these because access to them is limited to ACM Members. In 2013 we will be expanding our research coverage by using the IEEE Electronic Library. We also have access to the EBSCO service through our membership of the British Computer Society, and the resources of the British Library. The purpose of identifying, collecting and collating this research is to enable us to bring current best practice to the service of our clients, identifying for them trends in technologies and implementation strategies and the lessons from early adopters.
We have now prepared Research Note 01/13 in which we summarise 40 of the best of these publications on search, big data, SharePoint, intranets and digital workplaces, collaboration and team working and mobile access to enterprise information. If we were offering an award for the research publication of the year it would go to Findwise for a pioneering global survey of search implementation and search management. We are looking forward to seeing the results of the 2013 survey, which will be presented at Enterprise Search Europe 2013 on 15 May
Martin White