Intranet Consultant on Call – A new service for intranet managers in the USA
I have lost count of the times that intranet managers have come up to me at conferences, or emailed me, to gain a second opinion on an issue they are struggling with. I hope I always do my best to help but rarely am I able to get enough background information or time to provide as good a response as I would like to do. This is especially the case when I am attending conferences in the USA. Now I am able to offer a solution to intranet problems that is a win-win all round. From January 2011 working with Communitelligence I will be offering a telephone helpdesk service entitled Intranet Consultant on Call (ICC) for intranet managers in the USA.
I have known John Gerstner, the President of Communitelligence, for many years, and at various times we have discussed how we could work together. John invited me to give a webcast earlier this year and this was very successful. When I showed John the scope of my forthcoming book The Intranet Management Handbook (due out in January) he immediately responded to ask if I had thought about setting up a mentoring service for intranet managers. That was a couple of months ago, and now after some market testing we are going live. We will be offering a range of service packages and are in discussion with a number of companies who are interested in offering discounts on their products and services to Intranet Consultant on Call (ICC) members.
In 2011 the number of Charter Subscribers will be kept fairly low so early registration is advisable. The service will be offered from 08.00ET to 17.00ET so that organisations on the West Coast of the USA will be able to use the service. If you are interested, or know someone who might be, John is the first point of contact on +1 602 931 9139. We are offering a $400 discount for organisations that sign up before 31 December.